Liz Garner RCST

Liz Garner

"She really helps me on so many different levels."

I have been a craniosacral therapist for 19 years qualifying with distinction in 2005.

One of my first responsibilities was to volunteer at the Stress Project.

Later I clinically supervised craninosacral students at the Healthy Living centre training clinic. Also I set up and ran a craniosacral fatigue clinic there.

Other significant responsibilities include working for Hands Inc - a registered charity whose aims are to inspire health and well-being by making complementary health more accessible.

In 2012 I qualified as a supervisor for craniosacral therapists, and  I am an approved supervisor for the Craniosacral Therapy Association. I am a fully registered member of the CSTA. This is the proffessional organisation that monitors and maintains proffessional standards and ethics of Craniosacral therapists.

I worked at Yogahome for 8 years.

I feel lucky that I have had experience of working with clients from a range of cultures, ages, sexual orientations and backgrounds.

Healing Approach

I am committed to helping your healing process and your health.
I have a flexible approach working on  physical symptoms  or we can go deeper, to help you process trauma and emotions. I am a trauma and polyvagal theory informed therapist. A big part of trauma is dissociation from the body so I will assist your recovery by reconnecting or deepening your embodiment and down regulating or  deeply calming your nervous system.
I provide relevant information about the impact of trauma on your body, this can be very useful in recovery.Sessions are very tailored to your specific isssues.

I have a compassionate approach and create  space where you are supported held and not judged. I have studied meditation for many years and this influences my approach. I am naturally conscientous and intuitive. My own healing journey recovering from chronic fatigue influences my work.

I bring a recognition and appreciation of difference, diversity and multiculturalism and an understanding of women issues.

Your safety and my professionalism and ethics are top priorities to my practice.